Mistaken Identities – audios of Introduction to Sharp Weapon Wheel’ ~ the mahayana view, from ‘Finding Freedom’

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Thanks to Michael for the image : )
Thanks to the teachers of the dharma for the ease they offer…

The book ‘Finding Freedom’ by James Low has three sections – Theravadin, Mahayana and Dzogchen.
Recordings of the first section ~ ‘Fight the Good Fight’ ~ The Dhammapada with his translation introduction and commentary can be found in Finding Freedom (1) from the audio/video drop down menu.

Each section includes texts with an introduction where James unpacks and unfolds the texts for us so facilitating access on different levels so we are more able to realise their meaning, value and application…wit that helping us see how their different emphases arise from the sameness of their infinitely profound depth…

This next set of recordings are from the central, Mahayana section ~ Mistaken Identities.
The introduction to ‘Sharp weapon Wheel’, the text included here, is clearly very much more than a handshake to a bit of background and some explanations.
It has the potential to be a complete mind-body shake… illuminating wholeness and integrity.

Whatever your current view of your ‘self’ and others, and whether or not your mind seems like is like it’s coated in teflon, or has old food in it, or has a hole in it (explanation in the intro.)…if you keep shaking hands with this until it speaks to you may well be wonderfully surprised!

The book is invaluable for reference and the practice text and these recordings may help along the way.
The recordings of the Introduction are in five parts…to make it more digestible…and the Foreword by C.R.Lama completes this set.

Part 1: Introduction to Sharp Weapon Wheel ~ from ‘Finding Freedom’ by James Low


Part 2: Introduction to Sharp Weapon Wheel ~ from ‘Finding Freedom’ by James Low


Part 3: Introduction to Sharp Weapon Wheel ~ from ‘Finding Freedom’ by James Low
