A Great Cloud of Blessing…. and Imploring Padmasambhava…

James Low

A month or so ago I was working on the recording of the prayer by Padmasambhava ‘Removing Obstacles’ … it’s no. 12 in the Lotus source series of recordings.
James explained that the Tibetan word ‘jamtrin’ on P.153 meant soft clouds… and I thought
‘Oh how beautiful.. and light.. and like that……… is this dharma’s-lamas blessing!’

So called ‘precious stones’ are more dense and more highly valued by many in this world.
All that may go along with them… in the lives of the miners, and those who employ them…the pride desire and the envy and the deals that are done …are like unseen shadows to their brilliance.

But these prayers, are part of our inheritance … and are jewels untainted by any of those shading factors.
They come down to us through the lineage as A Great Cloud of Blessing from the Fifth Dalai Lama… and Imploring Padmasambhava by Dudjom Rinpoche…with an explanatory orientation, facilitating our connection with them, from James Low
…and arrive on the page for us as a gift, freely given for our use.
Many beings and much beneficial effort is connected with their current availability.

Even prayers such as these may evoke consternation, a shadowing, in some…but their source is pure, as are our intentions.
As we engage with them, their profound energetic heritage can flow though us…and the value of our inheritance reveals itself.
They connect us in time with profound expressions of realisation, offering highly effective ways of understanding, responding to, or working with the energetic movements of the world/our mind.

I was recently asked whether reading the prayers silently is as beneficial as saying them out loud.
As I have learned from our teacher ‘it depends’ is often the most helpful answer.
I used to wonder ‘depends on what ???’… trusting that the answer would eventually arise.
‘The circumstances’… I realised eventually, was the unspoken answer… : )

Recently I’ve had to read, rather than say aloud …and so I noticed that for me, there is a deeper quality of engagement as I speak them …
And this quality deepens, not necessarily by repetition, but by slowly savouring words and lines so that their meaning and impact sinks deeper…
The words put onto the page by the love and hard work of others through time, flows though my eyes into my heart… then out into the world…
So as I say it I become more fully aligned with it….when reading silently I can just be reading… or not.
However we engage, may it be beneficial