Sweet Simplicity: Book review

You can read more about the book and its contents, and find out about dohas here

Below is my review for browsers on Amazon:

‘It’s a heart’s delight to read, speak and resonate with these Songs of Realisation… and to appreciate the integrity of their expression.

It seems to me that translating these songs requires facility in both of the languages  used – for accuracy, a poetic appreciation and expression – for flavour and flow, and ideally realisation of the actual for the feeling tone – to reflect most fully the truth which is being gestured towards.

There is no doubt in my mind that the dohas and texts in this book are a clear and true representations of the original expression of the Mahasiddhas… and James Low’s introduction, with its advice on how to approach the contents, is invaluable – a plain-song doha – key to receiving the treasures within.

With this, having left our intellectual glasses at the gate, we are welcomed as though into an exquisite garden where images of great beauty… and variegated blooms of profound truth, shimmering and radiant with clarity… manifest with each turn of the page. Their scent, rare yet pervasive, is of cloyless emptiness…

This book costs about £16, enough for a gorgeous bunch of flowers…which will eventually decay, smell rank, and fade away.
Whereas the blooms in the book open… whenever you open to them…
it’s more than a bargain!’