The Heart Sutra audios… longing for limitless light 19+20 audios

Form is not other than…

On a day when a romantic kind of love is in the air for some … the deep heart-healing message of the Heart Sutra – from the book longing for Limitless Light – can now be found under Audio/Video.

The wisdom of this sutra is the basis for a different kind of love – one with enduring truth as its basis. As the inherent nature and common denominator of all phenomena is realised through the wisdom of this sutra…the potential for love as an attuned responsivity, an all-inclusive love arising from openness through connectivity may be awakened.

What is my nature?…what is yours?…
‘All phenomena have very pure nature’
…this is expressed in the mantra which purifies all suffering.

Reading or hearing… reflecting, practising…. relying on transcendental wise discerning… we can enjoy chocolates flowers or cards or none….

I may be paraphrasing but James once said in Macclesfield …
‘If you put out your hand you may get a handful…
if you put out your heart you may get a heartfull…
but if you put out your mind you get everything.

Everything is not other than…? see the sutra for details

Happy Valentine’s Day : )